Time interval between acute and persistent psychotic disease is

Time interval between acute and
persistent psychotic disease is ?
a) 1 week
b) 2 week
c) 3 week
d) 1 months
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is `d’ i.e., 1 months
If symtoms are for less than 1 months, it is transient psychotic
disorder and if there are for more than 1 months, it is persistent
psychotic disorder (persistent delusional disorder).
Note:- Diagnosic criteria for delusional disorder (Persistent delusion
disorder) has different durations in DSM IV and ICD-10 :-

  1. According to DSM IV, symptoms (Non bizzare delusion) should be
    for > 1 months.
  2. According to ICD-10, Symptoms should be for > 3 months.