Tonsillar fossa is bounded anteriorly by?

Tonsillar fossa is bounded anteriorly by
a) Pharyngobasilar fascia
b) Palatopharyngeal fold
c) Buccopharyngeal fascia
d) Palatoglossal fold
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is ‘d’ i.e., Palatoglossal fold
Palatine tonsils are masses of lymphoid tissue that can be seen on
the left and right sides at the back of the throat.
There are two palatine tonsils, and each palatine tonsil (right or left)
lies in the tonsilar sinus (tonsilar fossa) on the lateral wall of
Tonsillar fossa bounded by the palatoglossal fold in front and the
palatopharyngeal fold behind.
Tonsils are lined by non - keratinized stratified squamous epithelium.
Medial surface of each tonsil has 15-20 crypts, the largest of which
is called Intratonsillar cleft or crypta magna (which represents
persistence of the ventral portion of the second pharyngeal pouch).
Tonsillar bed is formed from within - outwards by :-
Li Pharyngobasilar fascia
Superior constrictor (above) and palatopharyngeus muscle
Styloglossus (below)
Buccopharyngeal fascia