Type E adverse reaction is
a) Toxicity
b) Augmented effect
c) Teratogenesis
d) Withdrawal reaction
Correct Answer - D
Ans. is ‘d’ i.e., Withdrawal reaction
Type A (Augmented) reaction
Excess of normal, predictable, dose related pharmacodynamic
May occur in everyone
eg - Postural hypotension, hypoglycemia
Type B (Bizzare) reaction
Due to unusual attributes of the patient interaction with the drug.
Not dose related
Not a part of normal pharmacological effect of a drug.
Occurs only in some people.
eg - Idiosyncracy and drug allergy.
Type C (chronic) reaction
Due to long term exposure
eg; Analgesic nephropathy, dyskinesia by levodopa,
immunosuppression by corticosteroids.
Type D (Delayed) effects
eg; Carcinogenesis or teratogenesis.
Type E (Ending of use) reaction
3 eg; withdrawl reactions with clonidine