Urine sample collection method shown in image is preferred in


A. Infants.
B. Adolescents.
C. Adults.
D. Female patients.

Ans:A. Infants
Method shown in the image is Suprapubic aspirate

Urine Collection Methods

  1. Free Catch / Voided Sample
    Random Specimen: This is the specimen most commonly sent to the laboratory for analysis, primarily because it is the easiest to obtain and is readily available. Random specimens can sometimes give an inaccurate view of a patient’s health if the specimen is too diluted and analyte values are artificially lowered.
    First Morning Specimen :This is the specimen of choice for urinalysis and microscopic analysis, since the urine is generally more concentrated (due to the length of time the urine is allowed to remain in the bladder) and, therefore, contains relatively higher levels of cellular elements and analytes such as protein, if present.
    Midstream Clean Catch Specimen: This is the preferred type of specimen for culture and sensitivity testing because of the reduced incidence of cellular and microbial contamination.
    Timed Collection Specimen : Among the most commonly performed tests requiring timed specimens are those measuring creatinine, urine urea nitrogen, glucose, sodium, potassium, or analytes such as catecholamines and 17-hydroxysteroids that are affected by diurnal variations.
    2.Urethral Catheterization
    This assisted procedure is conducted when a patient is bedridden or cannot urinate independently.
  2. Suprapubic Aspiration Specimen :

The urine specimen is collected by needle aspiration through the abdominal wall into the bladder.

Young unwell infants who is not toilet trained for whom there is a need to obtain specimens as part of a septic work-up where antibiotic administration should not be delayed while awaiting a clean-catch urine.
For a child ( < 2 years) when it is deemed important to confirm a UTI. Eg in a child with recurrent urinary tract infections with positive cultures but minimal cellular response.
Children with previous UTIs with unusual or resistant organisms
Children on prophylactic antibiotics