Valves of the Heart

  1. The three stairs that are located between the Azin and the right ventricle of the heart, namely, in the right heart, and its main duty is to prevent reverse flow or blood return (Blood Regurgitation) from the right ventricle to the right Azin during the systolic page of the cardiac cycle.

  2. The two stairs or mitral desam, which is located between the azin and the left ventricle of the heart, namely, in the left heart, and its main duty is to prevent the reverse flow of blood from the left ventricle to the left azin during

  3. Aortic valve

  4. Desam Abhar as a valve between the artery of aar and the left ventricle of the heart prevents the reverse blood flow from the abhar artery into the left ventricle during the diastol.

  5. Pulmonic valve

Pulmonary trunk and right ventricle of the heart, prevents the reverse flow of blood from the lung artery stem into the right ventricle during the diastol.