Vertebral coloumn resections are the most challenging surgeies

Vertebral coloumn resections are the most challenging surgeies

especially if they are upper thoracic and more so in revision cases

12/M 4 years old operated FUC Pott’s Spine D3-D4 with kyphotic Deformity

Operated few years back by anterolateral decompression elsewhere

Now has presented with upper thoracic kyphosis of 109 degree
Neuro intact

Did an upper thoracic vertbral coloumn resection

Cord was adherent anteriorly so left part of post wall sticking to dura

Had to go upto c6

C5 wires I placed for extra support to prevent screw backing out

Got 60 degrees correction

There were few Neuromonitoring scares

But fortunately all recovered

So because of that didn’t push further correction

Although I had two places pleura breach which I sutured

No chest tube

Did in 2 stages

Stage 1 - 12 hrs

Disection rib resection and anterior plane formation and laminectomy and hardware placement cut 4 nerve roots each side

Packed the rib graft thinking it will survive in biological environment and not get wasted or infected and can be reused

Did second stage osteotomy and correction - 6 hrs

Too much adhesions