Was watching Satyamev Jayate 2. In the first 30 minutes,

Was watching Satyamev Jayate 2. In the first 30 minutes, they show how a dying girl is denied treatment in a govt hospital bcoz the doctors are on strike. The girl’s mother says “Doctors are like God. How can God go on strike?” The doctor tells her “Take her to a pvt hospital!”

The horrifying scene doesn’t end there. That night, Vigilante John Abraham comes and murders the doctor. Next day, the strike is resolved and people hail the vigilante as some “Robin hood”.

Thank God the movie was a resounding flop and very few people actually saw this scene. Makers of this movie should be ashamed of themselves for promoting violence against medicos, in a country where doctors are already not safe.

John Abraham and the director should apologize to the doctors for insulting us in the worst possible manner.

Just for argument sake… we cannot deny treatment to a patient for emergency cases right?

Strike for 2 days— Robin Hood murders doctor.

Now strike for 20 days.Exponential rise in death toll .Robin Hood to blame.