What does MRCPch fellowship mean?

What does MRCPch fellowship mean?

Is getting a membership of the British Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health.

Its great importance is that:

  • You can apply to her after graduation.

The three fellowship exams are in Egypt, and in a number of Arab countries like Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, you will not need to travel to Britain.

  • You can work with it as a pediatrician in England after getting IELTS.

  • You will have strong jobs in Gulf countries with great salaries, especially if you have taken training in England.

Once you pass the practical exam, you will receive the Royal College of Children in London.

  • You will greatly increase your diagnostic skills, knowledge of diseases and treat patients.

Ok how do you get the MRCPch fellowship?

To obtain fellowship, you must pass 3 exams:

The first part is a theoretical exam of two papers, you can test each of them alone

Foundation of Practice (FOP) - theory exam

Theory and Science (TAS) - theory exam

The exam is computer-based and the form of questions will be in each of them (75 divided questions 61 best of five and 14 questions extended matching) and each paper is two and a half hours.

The exam is held 3 times a year (February - June - October) of each year.

Exam cost varies from place to place (in Cairo ạlqạhrẗ 655 for both papers)

  • Part two and it’s a theoretical exam too

Applied Knowledge in Practice (AKP) - theory exam

Exam is held 3 times a year (Jan-May-September) of each year.

Exam cost varies from place to place (in Cairo ạlqạhrẗ 695).

The exam is computer-based and the form of questions will be (best of five, extended matching and n from many. I’m sorry.

  • The third part, which is practical exam

MRCPCH Clinical exam

The exam is held 3 times a year and the date is set on the fellowship site a while before.

Exam cost varies from place to place (in Cairo ạlqạhrẗ 1,145).

If you want to know more information or prepare yourself for the exam:

  • Write interested and we will send you the introduction lecture in it all the details