What does the first cry of baby at birth mean?

What does the first cry of baby at birth mean?

Is it because he hurts?

Should we worry if baby doesn’t cry right away?

When the baby comes out of his mother’s belly, it goes from an almost silent environment, where it’s hot, a felted world without aggressive lights, to the outside world, loud, dazzling and much colder. This coming to the world means moving from a comfortable environment to an uncomfortable environment and causes great stress in the baby. It’s that same stress that will make the baby want to take a deep breath, the very first of his life, filling his lungs with air. That’s when he screams.

Some health professionals say that this arrival of air in the baby’s lungs causes a burn in the baby and that this pain that would cause his cry. But for the doctor Dominique Leyronnas, néonatalogiste, this theory is very uncertain. Rather than a cry of pain, the cry would simply be the manifestation of stress and surprise related to its arrival to the world. It is also for him to find the comfort and warmth that he just left when leaving his mother’s belly, that midwives deposit the baby on his mom’s chest. The skin to skin comfort the baby and it is a totally natural gesture that is found in animals, which from birth take refuge against their mother.

The Baby’s first cry can be a sign of energy. However, it is not essential to let him cry and it is better to bring him immediately comfort.

What you don’t always believe.
We tend to think that all babies scream at birth and that a baby who doesn’t scream is a baby who has a problem is not necessarily. Not all babies are born screaming. There will necessarily be a vocal protest at the birth of the baby, but not necessarily a violent cry and not necessarily right away. As we mentioned earlier, the cry is the manifestation of great stress and the reaction of the baby to the discomfort of the outside world in which it is brutally immersed. A baby who doesn’t scream is therefore simply a baby that quickly adapted to this new environment.