What is the best investigation for this child?

A 50 years old man with known history of stroke cannot remember anything about his life. What is the single most likely defect
A homonymous hemianopia
B homonymous upper quadrantanopia
C bitemporal hemianopia
D binasasal hemianopia
E homonymous lower quadrantanopia

A 30yo man presents with deep penetrating knife wound. He said he had TT when he left school.
What will you do for him now?
a. Human Ig only
b. Human Ig and TT
c. Full course of tetanus vaccine only
d. Human Ig and full course of tetanus vaccine
e. Antibiotic

A 19 years old man presents with weight loss, increasing thirst and increased frequency of going to the washroom. His father, grandfather and two sisters have been diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus. What is the most likely type of diabetes this patient is suffering from?
A. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)
B. Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
C. Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults(LADA)
D. Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young(MODY)
E. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)

A 45 year old homosexual who has multiple partners presents with urethral discharge. He describes a transiet painless ulcer few weeks back. What is the single most appropriate diagnostic investigation?
A. Ulcer swabs and culture
B. Buccal mucosa swab
C. PCR for antigen
D. Antibodies to treponema pallidum
E. Biopsy of the ulcer

What is the diagnosis and answer of this question? Can someone please explain
A patient has been having influenza infection for the past 5 days and now presents with very paimful haemorrhguc blistdrs on deep meatal skin. What is the most appropriate treatment?
a. Oral acyclovir
B.iv acyclovir
C.supportiv care
E. Flucloxavillom

A child was playing and suddenly developed breathlessness. What is the best investigation for this child?
A. Nasal Endoscopy
B. Lateral neck X-Ray
C. CT scan
D. Pulse Oximetry
E. Spirometry

A 2 year old boy presents with reddish blistering rash on the face
especially around the mouth and nose. What is the single most
likely diagnosis?
A. Impetigo
B. Shingles
C. Chicken!pox
D. Measles
E. Herpes simplex

A 1 year old child is brought to A/E . He woke up in the middle of the night and started crying severely. What initial measure should be taken for this child?
A refer to surgeon
B discharge with advice
C analgesia
D antibiotics

A young woman on combined oral contraceptive pills has been prescribed Amoxicillin for sinusitis. What should be the advice given to her?
A. Increase dose of OCPS
B. Reduce dose of Amoxicillin
C. Use barrier methods for 2 weeks
D. No extra precautions needed
E. Barrier methods only if patient develops diarrhea

A 63 year old woman who suffers from Osteoporosis now comes with complaints of backache. What is the most appropriate investigation to be done in this case?
A. Xray
C. Dexa scan
D. CT scan

A 20 year old woman is 17 weeks pregnant. She is worried about the possibility of her baby with spina bifida as she did not take folic acid supplement before conception and in early pregnancy .
A. Pre-implantation genetic diagram
B. Aminocentesis
C. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
D. Fetalcordocentesis
E. Genotyping fetal cell in Maternal circulation
F. Ultrasound scan at 18-20 week gestation

A 15 week pregnant lady is worried about congenital disease her baby might be having. What test are you going to advise her?
A. Triple test
B. Fetal nuchal thickening
C. Amniocenthesis
D. Deformity scan

A 48yo presents with severe chest pain since the last 40mins. In the ED he is given oxygen, GTN,
morphine. ECG=ST elevation. Bloods=increased troponin levels. What is the next step of
a. Beta blockers
b. Percutaneous angiography
c. Anticoagulant & heparin
d. Clopidogrel
e. Aspirin