What is the difference between peak of Cold receptor at 24 degree

What is the difference between peak of Cold receptor at 24 degree C and Stimulated at 5 degree celsius ?

There are four types of nerve fibers: (1) a pain fiber stimulated by cold, or cold nociceptor (2) a cold fiber, (3) a warmth fiber, and (4) a pain fiber stimulated by heat, or hot nociceptor. They respond based on the temperature. The cold-pain fibers are stimulated at +5 degrees celcius (if the skin becomes even colder so that it nearly freezes or actually does freeze, these fibers cannot be stimulated). As the temperature rises to +10°C to 15°C, the cold-pain impulses cease, but the cold receptors begin to be stimulated, reaching peak stimulation at about 24°C and fading out slightly above 40°C. Thank you.