What is the most common paraproteinemia in scleromyxedema

What is the most common paraproteinemia in scleromyxedema

  • A. IgA
  • B. IgG kappa
  • C. IgG lambda
  • D. IgM
  • E. It is uncommon to see paraproteinemia with
  • scleromyxedema

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An abnormal paraproteinemia is found in approximately 90% of cases with scleromyxedema,
generally IgG lambda. IgA paraproteinemia can be seen in pyoderma gangrenosum and Sneddon-Wilkinson disease. Amyloidosis and NXG can be associated with IgG kappa paraproteinemia, and Schnitzler syndrome is associated with an IgM paraproteinemia.