Which about development is not true

Which about development is not true –

    1. Pincer grasp at 3 months
    1. Sitting at 6 months
    1. Social smile at 3 months
    1. 2 year old can use pleurals

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  • Children accomplish maturation of different biological functions (level Of development or milestone) at an anticipated age, with a margin of few months on either sides.
  • The denver development screening Test (DDST) assesses the child’s development in four separate segments.
  1. Gross motor functions
  2. Fine motor and adaptive functions
  3. Personal social functions
  4. Language functions

Coming back to the question: -

  • Pincer grasp develops by 9 months (9-11 months)
  • Child can sit with support by 5 months
  • Social smile will be present at 3 months (social smile develops by 2 months).
  • 2 year old child makes simple sentences and can use pleurals.