Which is the best country to work in as a doctor?

These are just a few thought where people say it’s difficult or good to work as a doctpr.
The not so good stories are from:
-Eastern Europe: for most the pay is low, so many are unsatisfied
-Italy: most medical specialist aren’t paid so well
-UK: loss of control how to manage one’s practice is said to lead to a lot of burn-out?
-Germany: working hours are long, secondary job benefits are less than e.g. in The Netherlands
-SE Asia: in the more developed countries working hours are long, income is good, social standing good. I think in the poorer countries all is a lot less.
-China: pay is not good, long working hours.

This is from a survey on burn-out in Chinese vs US physicians:
• It is manageable and I’m not making any changes (36% vs 25%)
• It is manageable but I need to make some changes in hours/workload/etc. (52.2% vs 62%)
• I am thinking of leaving my current position (7.3% vs 7%)
• I am thinking of leaving medicine altogether (4.5% vd 5%)

Financial position Chinese vd US physicians:

At present still OK:

-Scandinavian countries: working hours were quite OK, income relatively low, but one could have a good private life. No problems with people unable to afford their essential medical care.
-The Netherlands: at present income and working conditions are still OK, but docs are losing more and more income and their say about how their practice are organized. Universal health care, people are mandatory insured for essential health care.
-USA?? Income if not a primary care physician is quite alright, high student loans, the threat of being sued, but all in all docs and partners are quite satisfied.

From: Medscape: Medscape Access
Physician Lifestyles — Linking to Burnout: A Medscape Survey

As for partner satisfaction, as long you have more than two hours of face time a day, is high: 70% See Elsevier The Medical Marriage: A National Survey of the Spouses/Partners of US Physicians (unfortunately at present only accessible to subscribers or if you pay for access)