Which of the following is caused by
congenital 17 hydroxylase deficiency:
a) Hyperkalemia
b) Hermaphroditism
c) Hypertension
d) Virilism
Correct Answer - C
17 -hydroxylase (17 -OH) deficiency syndrome is a rare genetic
disorder of steroid biosynthesis causing decreased production of
glucocorticoids and sex steroids and increased synthesis of
mineralocorticoid precursors. Reduced or absent levels of both
gonadal and adrenal sex hormones result in sexual infantilism in 46,
XX females and ambiguous genitalia in 46, XV males. Excessive
mineralocorticoid activity produces varying degrees of hypertension
Q and hypokalemia Q. Patients usually are diagnosed with this
condition during an evaluation of delayed puberty. absent secondary
sexual characteristics or primary amenorrhea.Q