While filling up the choices, should an individual subject be given more preference

While filling up the choices, should an individual subject be given more preference or a less preferred subject but in better colleges?

Though, I know it varies among individuals, yet, it would be really helpful if seniors could provide some genuine suggestions… Thanks in advance

Always…the subject

College stays with you for 3yrs only…u hv an entire lifetime to learn and relearn things… Multiple fellowships, short courses can boost your knowledge… But the job satisfaction wud never be the same with a different subject.

Subject is more important… But some ppl says that these 3yrs will be the building blocks of your career… So if it is not strong later u might face problem… After u pass out no one will teach u and there will be very less scope for doing mistakes in practise… So u have to decide

Yes I totally agree with u Ma’am… the reason why m getting all confused… after 3yrs, nobody is bound to teach me anything… I am also pretty much doubtful abt the fellowship courses, like, I know they might add an honour to my pg degree and one might gain some academic betterment but I doubt if they help in improving any hands-on experiences at all…

yes…then the ppl around will be like she has done MD but is not aware of the basic thing… But yes subject should be given the max priority

Okay I got ur point… we’ve got to learn stuffs by ourselves only at the end of the day… Thanks a lot

Depends on your priorities. If you really love the subject,if you really want it bad, then always subject preference should be of utmost priority.

But if you consider your job as just a job(like any other regular job,and nothing more than that), just to have a handsome amount of money, just to lead a well balanced and comfortable life, and tag of a well reputed institution, then institution preference over subject would be better.

Rome was not built in a day get the degree n learn as you progress so dont regret in the end wish i could have…chosen another path no matter how good the clg no branch can be mastered in 3 years for hiatus you have to keep working your self even after clg is over