Who is suffering from chronic restricted type of lung disease

Actually this is the chest pa view film of a old female lady possibly who is suffering from chronic restricted type of lung disease may be emphysematous lung disease because her pendulated brest shadow merged with axillary fold seems to be collapse lung border.vascular marking seen more or less whole lung field.,so it is not bilateral pneumothorax. One the other hand, linear bilateral translucency shadow seen along the both lateral chest wall upto mid- chest level may be due to mild bilateral partial pneumothorax, the reason chronic lung disease, clinical examination will be give final decision.

She is 70 years old and have severe emphysema she is getting oxigen since 9 year and the lungs are collapsed she is breathing hard .

Its my patient so i take pic and share with you to see the doctors idea .

looks like wearing inflatable PFD?

Bilateral pneumothorax. It looks like the X-ray was taken in the supine position (patient was on the back)