Why isoprenaline (beta agonist) is used in acute attack of long Q.T. syndrome?

Why isoprenaline (beta agonist) is used in acute attack of long Q.T. syndrome?

And beta blockers are d.o.c. in management of congenital long Q.T. syndrome?

How both beta agonist and blocker are used in one disease

Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a heart rhythm condition that can potentially cause fast, chaotic heartbeats . These rapid heartbeats might trigger you to suddenly faint. Some people with the condition have seizures. In some severe cases, LQTS can cause sudden death.

These heart drugs are standard therapy for most patients with long QT syndrome. They slow the heart rate and make long QT episodes less likely. Beta blockers used to treat long QT syndrome include nadolol (Corgard) and propranolol (Inderal LA, InnoPran XL)