With increase in age which of the following is true for lungs?

With increase in age which of the
following is true for lungs?
a) Pulmonary compliance increases
b) Residual volume decreases
c) Mucocillary clearance increases
d) Fibrous of interstitium dreaseses
Correct Answer - A
Ans: A. Pulmonary compliance increases
Anatomical and physiological changes of respiratory system
with aging:
Air space size: Increased
Chest wall compliance: Decreased
Lung compliance: Increased to unchanged
Total respiratory system compliance: Decreased
Muscle strength:
Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP): Decreased
Trans diaphragmatic pressure (Pdi): Decreased
Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV): Decreased
Lung function:
FEV1: Decreased
FVC: Decreased
TLC: Unchanged
Vital capacity: Decreased
Functional residual capacity: Increased
Residual volume: Increased
DLCO/VA: Decreased
Exercise capacity:
VO2 max: Decreased
Dead space ventilation: Increased
Bronchial fluid:
Neutrophils %: Increased
Ratio of CD4+/CD8+ cells: Increased
Epithelial lining fluid antioxidants: Decreased