With my rank i Will get Medicine in periphery

With my rank i Will get Medicine in periphery…being passionate about medicine is it wise to take medicine in periphery or should I opt for obgy in renowned institutions…I am a bit afraid of long journey of medicine &SS as it was my 4th attempt… it’s really a big dillemma for me…any suggestion is highly appreciated.

For early settlement and more profitable subject, OBG >>>> Internal Medicine

Both r absolutely different branch from each other

Go with ur subject u r passionate of…

Anyway SRship u have to done in any branch, don’t think about SS as of now, if u have ur branch with u, u can do wonders,

OBG with good Institute might sound catchy for u at this point of time, but as u go along in ur life every branch will give u what u want …

from my side Med >Obg

Obgy anyday, as birth is inevitable, so no question of no pts hence an evergreen branch which could never get saturated…!!