22 year old man fell from roof. He has visible hematuria

Nov 1st 2018 recalls. here’s what I remember (if I remember more, I’ll add in the comments)
1- 22 year old man fell from roof. He has visible hematuria.
Best initial investigation:

2- Female patient had recent surgery, cathether bag is purple
Best investigation
-urime collection for culture and sensitivity

3- Female patient post-op passed 30 ml urine in 2 h. otherwise well
Next what to do?
-flush catheter

4- schizophrenic patient is non compliant with his medication. What depot medication should we gove him

5- patient in asystole. Give adrenaline…


6- patient in late pregnancy, presented with sustained lower abdominal pain, later passed small amount of dark red blood. Best initial investigation

7-nerve injured during varicose vein stripping surgery

8- patient with pain in distal ipj and base of thumb for 2 years/ she also has slight morning stiffness.

9- pregnant patient was in the front seat during an RTA. She now has a painful lump in outer upper quadrant of breast and skin dimpling.
-fat necrosis