A 13 year old girl presents to the clinic requesting morning pills

A 13 year old girl presents to the clinic requesting morning pills. She says the condom she used with her 13 year old boyfriend split into two while having intercourse. What is the SINGLE most appropriate action?

A. Inform the police and then give patient contraception
B. Inform patient’s General Practitioner
C. Inform patient’s mother and the police immediately
D. Give contraception
E. Refer patient to another doctor to handle the case

In this case both the girl and her boyfriend are the same age. Under the GMC, there is no need to inform the police about their sexual activity as they are the same age. If the boyfriend was much older, and thereby have a greater disparity in age to the girl, then informing the police and/or social services would be considered. In this case, you are permitted to provide contraception to the girl without parental knowledge or consent as it is most likely in her best interests to do so according to the GMC.