A 17 year old woman has a painless lump on her right breast for 4 weeks

A 17 year old woman has a painless lump on her right breast for 4 weeks. There is no history of trauma. She takes the oral contraceptive pill. Her maternal grandmother had breast cancer.

She has a 1 cm painless lump in the upper outer quadrant of her right breast.

Which is the most appropriate initial investigation?

  1. Excision biopsy

  2. Fine needle aspiration cytology

  3. Magnetic resonance imaging

  4. Mammography

  5. Ultrasound scan of the breast

E. Ultrasound of the breast


Patient is under the age of 40 and therefore USS is first line imaging investigation.

In this patient the diagnosis is likely to be a fibroadenoma of possibly a cyst (although a bit young for cyst) If under 25 then imaging alone maybe sufficient for diagnosis of a fibroadenoma.- Royal College of Radiologists Breast Group

Also: https://associationofbreastsurgery.org.uk/media/1416/best-practice-diagnostic-guidelines-for-patients-presenting-with-breast-symptoms.pdf