A 41-year-old man comes to the physician complaining of crampy

A 41-year-old man comes to the physician complaining of crampy, bloating abdominal discomfort. He also reports changes in his bowel habits and recently noticed dark stool. His father, sister, and uncle died of colorectal cancer. At the physician’s office, a fecal occult blood test is positive. Colonoscopy reveals 8-10 small flat polyps in the proximal colon. Which of the following is the most likely cause of these findings?

  • (A) A defect in mismatch repair
  • (B) A defect in nucleotide excision repair
  • © A translocation between chromosomes 15 and 17
  • (D) Exposure to benzo(a)pyrene
  • (E) The bcr-abl hybrid gene

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A 25-year-old construction worker presents to his primary care physician complaining of abdominal pain and constipation. The pain is diffuse, and is neither better nor worse following a meal. He also reports fatigue and difficulty concentrating. His vital signs are within normal limits. His examination is remarkable only for darkened, painless gingival lesions, and a non-distended but tender abdomen. Which of the following is the most appropriate medical treatment for this patient?

  • (A) Deferoxamine
  • (B) Dimercaprol
  • © N-acetylcysteine
  • (D) Naloxone
  • (E) Protamine sulfate
  • (F) Thiosulfate

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