A 48-year-old woman suffering from lupus erythematosus

A 48-year-old woman suffering from lupus erythematosus
was admitted to the hospital because of severe muscle weakness. Pertinent lab data on admission were K+ 7.9mEq/L creatinine 5 mg/dL, blood urea nit rogen (BUN) 60 mg/dL. An elect rocardiogram (ECG) revealed increased PR intervals and widened QRS complexes. Insulin with dextrose was given intravenously to reduce the high potassium level. Another drug was also given because it has an additive effect with insulin in decreasing serum potassium. Which of the following drugs was most likely administered?

  • A. Phenylephrine
  • B. Albuterol
  • C. Clonidine
  • D. Isoproterenol
  • E. Epinephrine
  • F. Dobutamine

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For those who have done the CMS forms, I purchased all of them in advance but now I’m running out of time before my exam on the 11th of February and I probably won’t be able to do them all. Are there any that have got better questions than others and that I should focus on more?

  • 4x clinical neuro
  • 2x family med
  • 4x medicine
  • 4x surg
  • 4x OBGYN
  • Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Blunt chest trauma cause all of the following, except:

  • A) Bilateral rib fracture
  • B) Tracheal dissection
  • C) Sternal fracture
  • D) Aortic dissection

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