A 62-year-old man who was admitted for minor surgery 3 days

A 62-year-old man who was admitted for minor surgery 3 days ago suddenly becomes confused. His attention span is reduced. He is restless and physically aggressive and picks at his bed sheets. What single aspect of the patient’s history received in his note is most likely to aid in making a diagnosis?

A. Alcohol consumption
B. Head trauma
C. History of anxiety
D. Prescribed medication
E. Obvious cognitive impairment

Ans. The key is A. Alcohol consumption. [Dx delirium tremens. As the patientis hospitalized he couldn’t take alcohol for last three days and developed alcohol withdrawal syndrome as delirium tremens. DTs is the most severe manifestation of alcohol withdrawal. It occurs 3-10 days following the last drink. Clinical manifestations include agitation, global confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, fever, hypertension, diaphoresis, and autonomic hyperactivity (tachycardia and hypertension