A 69 yo smoker presents with a dry cough, dyspnea, vague chest pain and 10 pounds weight loss over 2 months

A 69 yo smoker presents with a dry cough, dyspnea, vague chest pain and 10 pounds weight loss over 2 months. The chest x-ray reveals a 4 cm irregular lesion. While being worked up an ECG is done -shown below. Based on this preliminary H & P, what is the next study of choice?

a. Urinary cortisol levels

b. Holter monitor

c. Electrophysiologic study

d. Electrolytes

e. Renal function

f. Echocardiogram

  1. The main ECG abnormality seen with hypercalcemia is shortening of the QT interval

  2. In severe hypercalcemia, Osborn waves (J waves BLUE arrows) may be seen

  3. Ventricular irritability and VF arrest has been reported with extreme hypercalcemia

  4. Hypercalcemia is one of the most frequently encountered paraneoplastic syndromes, occurring in 20–30% of patients with cancer. Historically, hypercalcemia has been associated mainly with squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchus, carcinoma of the breast and multiple myeloma

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