All intestinal epithelium disorders >> defect in D-xylose absorption test


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D\D and how to recognize each

all intestinal epithelium disorders >> defect in D-xylose absorption test

1-Celiac disease

anti TTG and endomysial antibodies

dudenal\ jejunal biopsy with characterstic finding

Microcytic anemia

2-Tropical sprue

very much similar to celiac disease when it comes to s\s

But in tropics and associated with Megaloblastic anemia (folate defeciency) jejuneal involvement

3-Lactase deficiency

osmotic diarrhea

Hydrogen breath test

decreased stool ph (acidic)

4-pancreatic insufficiency

decreased fecal elastase

decreased dudenal epithelial ph

Normal D-xylose test

5-whipple disease:

Foamy epithelial cells (PAS positive) >> micoorganisms and glycoprotein