All the following muscles are innervated by the facial nerve except -

All the following muscles are innervated by the facial nerve except -

2.anterior belly of digastric


Facial nerve is a mixed nerve, i.e., has both motor as well as sensory fibers.
Motor part supplies the muscles of the face, scalp, and auricle; the Buccinator and platysma; the stapedius; the stylohyoids; and posterior belly of diagastric.
Sensory part contains the fibers of taste for the anterior two third of the tongue and a few somatic sensory fibers from the middle ear region.
Coming to the question

Anterior belly of diagastric is supplied by nerve to myelohyoid.
Procerus and Risorius are muscles of face. All muscles of face are supplied by facial nerve except levator palpebri superioris which is supplied by 3rd nerve.