Appendicitis is like a small tract


Appendicitis is like a small tract. The large intestine is attached to the first part of the intestine. With the initial part of it, the tapestrian is called the appendicitis. It is on the bottom right side of the abdomen. Appendix Inflammation of the intestine is called quapindics sites.

Appendix inflammation happens when it is contaminated. It causes severe pain around the navel or right side of the abdominal which may vary in the aged ten to thirty years. As per treatment He is taken out by surgery.


This is what happens when the intestine is closed. Any obstacle and pressure causes swelling. Bacteria grows inside it can cause youth infection. This condition requires immediate attention. To endure it’s pain or Exploding can prove to be deadly.

Marks of the th

Appendix pain starts suddenly. This pain starts from around the navel and slowly spreads to the right side of the abdomen. Inflammation can cause this place to severe. Light pressure, mobility, cough and breathing can be more severe. Other areas include nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, reduction of appetite and mild fever.

Diagnosis and treatment

Medical diagnosis is done after the patient’s history and tests like blood test, uran test, X-ray and CT etc. If the ag appandics is diagnosed, surgery is required to remove it. Antibiotics course is done to prevent infection.

Laparotomy in surgery options

اور Laparoscopic

Surgeries are included. In case of a diagnosis, an immediate operation can prevent many complications.