Caesarean childbirth is the safest method for both your baby


Caesarean childbirth is the safest method for both your baby and you when low birth is too risky or impossible, 25 % of children are born today through Caesarean section…

Primary caesarean section is distinguished from secondary caesarean section:

  1. Primary caesarean section is a pre-scheduled c-section birth. The doctor practice it before water loss and contractions start. It takes place at the earliest end of week 38 of pregnancy.

  2. A secondary caesarean is made necessary by complications only after contractions start or during the expulsion phase and which a forceps or obstetric suction cup cannot fix. It can be compared to an emergency surgery when the health of the mother or baby is in danger.

Whether scheduled or not, a caesarean section is a heavier surgery, carried out under general or local anesthesia that can last 60 minutes, even if the baby is normally born after just five to ten minutes. C-section risks are certainly no longer comparable with the situation in the past century, but there are still three times as many women die during an emergency c-section than in normal labor. The possible complications during the procedure and the consequences for the psychological health of women must therefore be considered.

Many benefits are advanced for the caesarean scheduled by the defenders of the ′′ elective caesarean section ′′ (c section requested). As several major studies have shown, the risk to the mother in a programmed caesarean section is no higher than in low birth.

The risk to the child for a programmed and without complications is not high. Statistically, it is even weaker than in vaginal birth. So some birth attendants say caesarean is the most risky method of childbirth for the mother, but safest for the child. However, newborn babies have respiratory problems more often, i.e. a mild form of respiratory distress syndrome. This is why the airway of babies born by caesarean section should be carefully cleared immediately after birth. It is also very important that the umbilical cord is cut as soon as possible. In case of general anaesthetic, anaesthetics also watch very carefully to administer as many anaesthetics as necessary, but to limit them as much as possible so that the newborn baby does not suffer.

After the c section you’ll probably have to stay between four and seven days in the hospital, depending on how you feel. Stitches removal is painless and usually takes place on the fourth or fifth day after surgery. Very often the hospital release takes place on the same day. The scar will gradually fade away and will then be virtually no longer visible.

For a few days you may need painkillers as the operating field will remain very sensitive to each of your movements, especially when you get up. Lochies (uterine flow) also occur after c-section birth, but they are less abundant and last less long.

And just because you’ve already had a caesarean section, doesn’t mean you’ll have one too the following time: in many cases, low birth is quite possible during the next pregnancy…

NB: It is customary to consider 3 or 4 Caesarean section at Maximun due to Scar risks…