Come on migraine sum shoulder

Come on migraine sum shoulder ja ni,

Catch a 20 child or a man is the real head of your head, which is the pain of the real head, which is almost the same. Before the pain starts, many times see the light of light before the pain starts. When you have a headache, don’t bear any sound light, when I feel pain, I feel when I feel pain. Once the pain hurts, it was about three four days. This patient’s migraine headache ha te pa re.

Now let’s discuss migraine sum details.

One of the common headache is the disease of a common headache. 20 % ST SHAKE AND 6 % of men who used to be this. The age of 1 is 19 years old. 40 % of the patients will be able to stay with others. If both parents are affected, the possibility of the child is 70 % of the parents of the parents, the parents of any single one can be 45 2

Pathophysiology: the main reason for migraine is not known. So Bay and (ni che see) is responsible for the cause of the bay and (ni che see), or the cortical work is made to be responsible for the work of the, or the second of the action. Of Leo " a car and is. Headache is for extracranial vasodilation and for relay funtion by hypothalmus. People is responsible for the activity of the trigeminal system in brainstem. 1 some topics are responsible for the sūtrapā (see ni che)

Symptoms (physical features)

  1. Headache:
  • two third of patients suffer one foot and a third of the patients are suffering from two legs. 2
  • Pain Angle Angle of eye er big ne and frontotemporal region ha te pa re (see six) 2
  • I love you so much I love you so much. 2
  • the patient who is headache is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one Many times that di k headache he di k or opposite di k focal neurological sign stay pa re. 2
  • headache is a little bit, who was in the fence, who was in the fence?
  • if you move, it’s pain or pain. 2
  • 30 % of the eyes of the other people, like tension type hedache. 2
  • come on, if you hear the word, you will get your head in the fence. 1
    Happy birthday to you. 1
  • HEADACHE IS 4 hours to last for 72 hours. 1

Patients were like the pain of the patient, the light of the light, the light of the light of the light, not to see the smell of the smell of the person.
And b different rock mare h te pa re as,

  • view and: hallucination, neuritis, fortification, scintillating, a (Photopsia)
    Sensory and: the Lord has been ribartana or surely
    Other: Hemiparesis, talking problem (Dysphasia), no k c. 2

(To be continued)

1.Leach JP, Davenport RJ.Migraine.In.Ralston SJ, Penman ID, Strachen MWJ,Hobson RP.editors.Davidson’s Principles & Practice of Medicine: Neurology.23rd edition.Edinburgh.Elsevier Ltd.2018.p 1095-1096

2.Manji H, Connolly S, Kitchen N, Lambert C, Metha A.Oxford Handbook of Neurology:Headache-Migraine.2nd edition.Oxford.Oxford University Press.p228-238