Complications of twins gestation:


My notes series :sunflower:

:four_leaf_clover:Twin gestation should be suspected if:

  • Very high beta-hCG levels
  • Abdominal height is more than the gestational age
  • Severe hyperemesis gravidarum
  • And of course 2 gestational sacs on USG

:four_leaf_clover:Management is same as any pregnancy.

:four_leaf_clover:Delivery according to fetal presentation:
:black_circle:Vertex/Vertex :arrow_right:Vaginal
:black_circle:Vertex/Breech :arrow_right: Vaginal (C-sec if complications present or if doctor prefers)
:black_circle: Breech/Vertex :arrow_right: C-section
:black_circle: Breech/Breech :arrow_right: C-section

:four_leaf_clover:Do USG after first twin delivery, considering first twin is in VERTEX position, and then decide the method of delivery of second twin.