Dermatosis papulosa nigra is a harmless condition commonly affecting the faces of black and sometimes Asian adults

Dermatosis papulosa nigra is a harmless condition commonly affecting the faces of black and sometimes Asian adults. The cause of dermatosis papulosa nigra is unknown, although about half of people affected have a family history of the disease.

Who’s At Risk

Dermatosis papulosa nigra affects up to 35% of blacks and an unknown proportion of Asians. Women are affected more than men. Dermatosis papulosa nigra usually begins in adolescence, and the number and size of lesions increase with age. The spots of dermatosis papulosa nigra do not go away.

Signs and Symptoms

Numerous 1–5 mm firm, smooth, raised, dark brown to black bumps occur on the cheeks and forehead. Sometimes these bumps may also be on the neck and trunk.
Mild – less than 10 spots
Moderate – 10 to 50 spots
Severe – more than 50 spots
When to Seek Medical Care
When removal of dermatosis papulosa nigra lesions is sought, care must be taken to be conservative to avoid scars and loss of pigment in the skin.

Treatment cost is usually not covered by insurance.

Treatments Your Physician May Prescribe
Freezing (cryosurgery), scraping (curettage), and burning (electrocautery) are all effective removal methods.

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