Do obs/gyn people suffer from anxiety , htn etc due to lifelong stress?

Do obs/gyn people suffer from anxiety , htn etc due to lifelong stress??

HTN and DM are common in indian scenarios and we doctors are also atpar with this… Anxiety i guess depends on life style…

OBG ppl r not stressed…they make interns stressed and get HTN

Yes… I m doing OBGY nly… I knw it personally… Evn I m finding ways to decrease it now

It’s extremely high in first year then u get used to itn should enjoy everything!!

Njoy the branch/subjct and earn a handsome amount… And u wont b suffering frm all them…

Frustrating to do endless night duties for ungrateful indian society. take if u have passion. I’m an obgy too. It’s a wonderful subject but with the booming population, you can’t rest at night. One death happens ull be enquired and screwed. Take ent ophthal and other cool branches. Enjoy life. We are normal people , we don’t suffer from anxiety but due to lack of sleep, exercise and proper diet, yes obgyns are at high risk of getting HTN and diabetes

Its not true that ophtha ent are always cool depts in evry hospital… My hospital made it no less thn hell… I started hating whole profession coz of them… Still healing… Choose wisely! Dept and college both.

It’s all personality !! If same person takes anatomy also their life would be same ( I am not telling anatomy is lesser , but 9-5 right )

There are so many obgyn who are so peaceful ( inspite of having hectic scheldule ) not making surrounding stressful too …

Who are having healthy relationship with colleagues , having good family life , who manage to stay fit …

I can’t mention names here !!

It’s not like obgyn n anxiety run hand in hand …

And even if one finds it hectic there’s always place for fellowships ( Infertility, cosmetic gyanecology )

And obgyn is one amazing branch …

That smile on mom’s face seeing her baby …

That satisfaction only obgyn can see …

When complicated pregnancy ends with a healthy out come … what more one needs …

Yes … it involves a lot of emotions too … infertility …repeated miscarriages … breaking a bad news to anxious mom to be about a misses misscariage or IUD …

Yet it’s one of the wonderful branc

Yes. Even if you dont want to take stress, people will drill it into your brain. There are other surgical specialties, but its only in OBGY where there is panic attack, blame game, toxic hierarchy. Exceptions are always there but this is general.