Do You Have These Red Spots on Various Parts of Your Body?

Do You Have These Red Spots on Various Parts of Your Body?

Are you one of those people who ignore a skin problem until it festers into something much larger? If you’ve been recently noticing a couple of red patches on skin, don’t panic! We have some home remedies that are sure to put your worries at ease.

You’ve noticed a couple of red spots on skin and before you know it, you’re on the internet typing in your symptoms. Most medical sites have made you believe that all your symptoms point to the worst disease possible. Wait for a second, take a breath. We have a couple of efficient home remedies for red spots on skin and we’re sharing them with you.

But first, we should tell you what causes red spots on skin, so you’re well equipped and informed to tackle it in a slightly calmer manner. The possible causes of red spots on skin could be:


An allergic reaction to something
Red spots left by acne
If you’ve developed a vascular birthmark
Spots on your skin due to angiomas
Over production of protein
A heat rash
A leaked capillary
Insect bites
These are the most common reasons, but if none of these seem like the reason for your red spots, we urge you to visit a medical practitioner ASAP. If you’ve found the cause of what causes red spots on face, then let’s move on and talk about some home remedies that’ll help you get rid of these scary red spots.


  1. Aloe Vera Treatment:

You’ll need a couple of fresh aloe vera leaves
Cut the leaves in half and scrape the gel off with a butter knife
Apply this gel to the affected area and keep for 15-20 minutes
Keep the rest of the gel in a fresh container and repeat this twice in a day

  1. Coconut Oil Treatment:

All you need is a tbsp. of coconut oil
First you need to wash your face with a gentle facewash like Olay Regenerist Revitalising Cream Cleanser
Massage the affected area with coconut oil for a few minutes
Do all this before you go to bed and keep the oil on overnight
You’ll notice the red spots fading slowly
Repeat next day until the spots vanish leaving you with flawless skin.

  1. Dandelion Root Treatment:

You need 1 tsp. of dandelion root powder and 1 glass of water
Boil the powder in the water for a few minutes
Strain the water and sip on the liquid
It removes toxins from your body so continue drinking this for a day or two days.