Ever had your fingers like this?

Ever had your fingers like this?

If you bathe for long time or work on water, you must notice that the skin of the finger has been crushed. Almost everyone knows this. But do you know the main reason why this skin is crushed? So know, actually the skin doesn’t get crushed. Rather happen another incident! And we think the skin is crushed.

Our skin is made of several layers. The latest layer of our skin is called Epidermis. This epidemic emerges a kind of oily substance called Sebam. This sevam makes our skin like a defence curtain.

When we touch glass or other smooth bottom, our hand prints sit there, even if our hands are clean. This oil print is the sevam. Sebam is why this work is done.

When we are in touch with water or water for some time, water can’t enter our skin’s inner level because of this service. But if we hold water for too long, this service in our hands goes away and water enters the skin.

That means our skin absorbs water and enters the inner layer of epidermis into dermis. Then places where there is no bond between dermis and epidermis are swollen by absorbing water and places where dermis and epidermis are the same as before. So we seem to have skin crushed.

Science has also proven that this crushing can easily grip anything while getting wet. It would have been difficult to catch or work for those who work water centre or dive.

If you want to know anything or ask, please knock in the inbox.

D. And: Suman Piyas.