For the brave one's who have taken this setback into their stride,

For the brave one’s who have taken this setback into their stride,

For those who have wiped off their tears(out of sadness or happiness), those who have everything dependant upon this Neet PG2021…

Lets discuss future strategy under this thread… When to study, what to study, how to study…

Only serious candidates should comment, no blame game, no twitter trends…only logical replies required.

This is indeed no time to joke.

Study the left things…and u vl slowly start listing up to do things

My personal thought is, watching one subject revision video each day and studying one specific topic daily

Strengthen the weaker topics. Not to lose the momentum at the same time nor to get burned out

People who stopped taking GTs in April due to the fear of denting their confidence, should resume their preps with a 200Q pattern GT IMO and that should give you some data to plan your prep around.