Gratitude (sugar) risk to health -

Gratitude (sugar) risk to health -

The biggest addiction in the world is ’ white gratitude addiction. White gratitude has no nutritional status and does not contain any healthy ingredients. White gratitude is merely carbohydrate that has no value. Beware of excessive uses of gratitude. I participate in elections from an area that is a sugarcane cultivation area. And once a year while sold by folding gratitude factories is an incredible miles. Tolerance spreads the smell.

This smell resides in western Uttar Pradesh and it’s hard to live around any of the Gratitude workshop. I wonder why this happens? So I started trying to figure out what happens in this productive process? And then I found out that a lot of chemicals are used in this process. The fold and beet are heated during the process of ‘gratitude’ and include calcium hydro oxide (lime) which is used in the process. That has toxic effects to the body.

This is done to extract ingredients from natural sugarcane that are essential for the full process of gratitude. Then carbon dioxide is used to clean the lime which is another toxic chemical. A lot of it remains within gratitude. Gratitude takes the form of a clean juice from a adhesive black material that is heated to separate other harmful ingredients from it.

Then Gratitude has been bleached through another chemical solution and made perfectly white. Before bringing gratitude into the shape ‘which we usually use’ has to go through the chemical process at least three times and this time. Until its nutritional status is gone. It doesn’t have any healthy ingredients and it just becomes an artificial thing.

Gratitude is used for different purposes.

A form of gratitude is commonly used as table sugar. Gratitude is used by mixing in various food items like cake ‘ice cream’ candy and cold drinks etc. Thank you It is also used in preparation of things that are not related to food ‘like making plastic’ mixing cement and making leather etc.

You can also make glue with gratitude. Adding table sugar to white flour makes glue. Now guess what this mixture feeds in your stomach. The substance that sticks to your intestines reaches. What kind of errors he creates.

Chemicals used in preparation of gratitude (phosphorus acid ’ acid calcium suphate and others) are harmful to health.

Gratitude contains huge amounts of carbonic acid which disrupts the nutrient balance in the body. Gratitude deprives the body of almost all dietary ingredients. Especially metals such as chromium, zinc and calcium. Also include vitamin C and B complex. Gratitude destroys enzymes that digested ’ in the mouth ’ in the stomach ’ in the small intestines and in the lubble.

Diet is not properly digested without plenty of hydro chloric acid. That’s why we can’t properly absorb the dietary ingredients in the food inside our body and in case we repeatedly complain about constipation Anti-Digestive Gratitude

Gratitude creates jaggery in small intestine functions which work to digest food. The small intestine throws out the substance and more importantly it makes the nutrient ingredients in the food a part of our body. Strengthens the pores.

But when we eat gratitude, the digestion process is disrupted. It adds too much carbon to the blood which further damage the body’s pores. Since gratitude doesn’t actually have any nutrition. And it represents a toxic substance in the blood that our body tries to get rid of. The Lymphatic System catches some of it’s vacuum to cleanse the blood.

But when the Lymphatic System is overloaded, health problems arise. Which can be avoided by taking precautionary measures. Too much gratitude ’ salt and starchs can cause appetite increase. This increased Hunger creates unbalance in the body. Gratitude is very softly discharged from the body. It causes over-acidic condition in the stomach that affects the whole body.

Some interesting facts

Cancer ‘diabetes’ high blood pressure and other diseases are produced by eating large quantities that are highly acidic. How much does your body spend annually? A person who doesn’t put gratitude in tea, but doesn’t know what other things are hidden in gratitude.

Gratitude is hidden in many foods like pulses, ‘canned food items,’ frozen food etc. In fact, about seventy percent of the gratitude our body spends is hidden in food items. For example Twelve ounce soda contains twelve spoons of tea. Candy bars are almost all thanks. The sweetness of the pizza is hidden with a lot of salt in it. Other than that, some of them. Other ingredients are also added that give it a light sweet taste.