Here are the band descriptors, these are what the examiners use to calculate your scores

Here are the band descriptors, these are what the examiners use to calculate your scores, you must score 7 in each category. You can divide these descriptors into 2 groups: Task Response + Coherence and Cohesion. These are related to your ideas, logic, and how you have structured your essay and paragraphs. The other half of the band descriptors is about your English, your Lexical Resource (vocabulary, collocation, idiomatic expression) and Grammar (variety and accuracy) Knowing and understanding the band descriptors is the key to success in IELTS writing(and speaking). There is no conspiracy here, people continually scoring 6 or 6.5 are failing to do everything they need to reach 7 in one or more of the categories. Knowledge is Power, empower yourself