Hi guys i just want know your ideas. Its been 1 month post injury

Hi guys i just want know your ideas. Its been 1 month post injury, June 11 i Injured my knee when i played basketball i heared a pop on my knee and after that i cant put any weight anymore and immediately had it massage :fearful: then bruises came and swelling also. 3 weeks ako i went to a surgeon he just pulled my leg once and told me i have a full ACL tear
And he also removed some liquid in my knee using injection. 1 week after i went for 2nd opinion the 2nd doctor did a lot of test pulling and bending my knees in different ways. And told me my knees are stable maybe i got a meniscus tear not likely an ACL Tear.
Im still gonna have my MRI soon.

Its been 1 month already
Im just doing Ice ice rest rest elevate.
I can walk but limping
I can also bend my knees but with some restrictions due to pain and tightness of knee
My knees still has some swelling.
I also feel tightness on my knees from time to time.

Its been 1 month my knees still has swelling is this a bad sign? No medication taken yet
Im also told to take ibuprofen is this a helpful medicine? Thank you so much guys