How would you formulate all this info in a formal patient history report

how would you formulate all this info in a formal patient history report: Man 55 year old
Why present in the clinic? Check-up cardiology clinic, has bad result of kidney tests
Gfr creatinine increased
Symptoms/presenting complaint? Amount of urine; normal
Feeling normal, without any symptoms
Any other diseases? Hypertension, after two heart transplantations
First was 14 years ago
2nd was 1.5 years ago
Reason of heart transplantation- due to inflammation, pericarditis, fixing valves
Heart insufficiency
after 1st transplantation after 10 years heart not working properly, insufficiency of organs, that’s why next transplantation

Problems with kidney before – never
What drugs the patient has been using; tacrolimus, mecofenalate and cortum
They changed dose of tacrolimus because of diarrhea in checkup, reduced the dose
Hypertension drugs; metocard, sometimes calcium
Diseases in family- no
Smoking/drinking – no
Before transplantation – smoking for 20 years
After transplantation; weight gain – now- same level
Before transplantation – was active person
No diabetes- no infection – only pericarditis due to transplantation
After transplantation higher doses of tacrolimus and glucocorticoids
Kidney was okay after drugs
After second transplantation, dose was higher
High dose for 1 year – diarrhea, checked kidney, then they lowered the dose of tacrolimus
Nephrotoxicity due to the drug and diarrhea due to due drug side effect