How would you like to proceed with this case?

A 30-year old female with periorbital edemapresented to my clinic for echocardiography due to apparent cardiomegaly on chest x ray . The echo findings showed moderate pericardial effusion and severe mitral regurgitation which was minimally thickened .During the study , the patient developed a tonic-colonic seizure , after which she was transferred to the ICU.

How would you like to proceed with this case ?

What is the likely diagnosis ?

The constellation of such different symptoms denotes multisystem affection

:point_right:Periorbital edema : points to Nephrotic syndrome to be confirmed by UA & dipstick for protein + quantitative test for protein in urine

:point_right: Pericardial effusion and mitral regurge
Points to serositis plus valvular pathology

:point_right: tonic clonic fits with rapid deterioration
Points to CNS affection

All such aformentioned features in female of childbearing period Points strongly to
SLE ( Systemic lupus erythromatosis )

Renal + serositis + CNS affection

This patient needs much more assessment of other features ( skin, hematological , joints etc )
And specific labs ( ANA, antidsDNA, C3&C4, )

To fulfil ACR ( american college of Rheumatology ) diagnostic criteria )
≥ 4 out of 11
New SLICC ( systemic lupus international collaborative clinic ) criteria
≥ 4 out of 18 ( at least one clinical and one lab)