I, 'm sorry to hear that you are not filing well

I have been to the emergency room three times this week because my blood pressure keeps going up really high but when I go to the hospital they let me go home when it starts going back down. They did the typical blood work and run a CT scan but they said it looked ok. They also did EKG. I still have symptoms and my nerves are frayed I’m very scared. My family has a lot of trouble with cholesterol and high blood and I told the ER this also.

Hi Marcus, I, 'm sorry to hear that you are not filing well. However, I think that your BP is going up as you are generally upset and fearful not to catch COVID 19.
On top of it, the weather is changing and that is contributing to your BP oscillations.

As science said, if you take preventive measures ( I.e. wash your hands properly, keep social distance, stay at home) and not forget on your prescribed medications, you should do fine.
Is there any way that you could make yourself comfortable, do activities which you enjoy and just for assessing yourself, stop watching the TV? You are probably dazed by bad things, grim prognosis, none accountable judgments, etc.
Believe me, even though I’m somebody who is on a bench for potential volunteering frontline physicians under the UN programs and out of the States during this time, I try to do the same.
I have minimalized my news watching and only admire opinions of worldwide experienced, well-educated scientists, along with practitioners who already passed through the storm.
As you have checked yourself three times already at the hospital and they sent you home, it means that you are stable in general, and it’s your job to keep yourself in nice condition further on ( by taking your medications and doing stuff that calms you down).
How about music listening, yoga, walking, etc?

Indeed, I would like for you to know that I’m not afraid of treating patients on the frontline and feel quite good about it. Being on a front line is kinda different than stay at home, correct?
So, be like me! Be responsible, thoughtful and brave, but don’t exhaust yourself (as stress is a tremendous contributor to immune system deprivation).
Nothing which you listed in your post could downgrade your health condition more than your thoughts.