I posted several months ago regarding properly stretching the quad

Here’s an update to a video I posted several months ago regarding properly stretching the quad (there are some key points that need to be done right for it to be effective). When this muscle is tightness it can irritate the cartilage behind the patella during daily activities and cause significant pain during squatting (sit to stand), stair climbing, and even just walking! Earlier today was an earlier post asking if anyone had a lateral release and persistent pain. The reason for that procedure is excessive lateral tension on the patella which really grinds on the lateral facet of the patella which can cause patellofemoral syndrome and is generally caused (at least in part) by a tight ITB. The stretch I demonstrate addresses both!

Almost six months PO and I still can’t do this. Hamstring is tight and it’s annoying. This is my second ACL reconstruction surgery on my right knee. Had the same issue first time too.