I prefer to stay quiet but I just feel like encouraging someone out there who might need to hear this

Usually, I prefer to stay quiet but I just feel like encouraging someone out there who might need to hear this.

I am married, a full time mom with 2 wonderful kids- ages 3 and 5 and I work 9hrs a day,6 days a week.

A lot of people advised me against taking the PLAB 1 in March because my plate was obviously full.
Well, they had a point because by the time I decided to sit for the exams, I had barely 7 weeks for preparation.
I’m glad I didn’t listen. By the grace of God, I passed. 143/180.

So, the most important thing for me for this exam is self belief and a whole lot of faith.
But you got to study…, hard too. Faith without work is death.
Also, an active study group like this and on telegram/WhatsApp cannot be overemphasized.

Lastly, If you have more than 4 weeks before your exams, then you should definitely subscribe to Plabable.

Hope this helps anyone who might need it.

All the best and Thank you