I was surprised today at a training day while talking to an MDU representative

I was surprised today at a training day while talking to an MDU representative, almost 25% of my trainee colleagues didn’t know anything about indemnity coverage.

Even though the medical practice in the UK is not as litigious as of other countries, (like USA) but it is a very good idea to have yourself covered. (GMC highly recommends it!)

If you are working as a doctor in the NHS (training or non-training) you should have it. In this day and age of media hype, you never know what might happen. If God forbid, something goes wrong, you don’t want to find yourself in a position where you don’t have enough legal representation.

Please read this article: https://roadtouk.com/blog/indemnity-for-uk-doctors/

N:B: I am not endorsing MDU by this photo. You would know which one to choose if you read the article above.