If bleeding is not controlled by medical management young female what is treatment of choice?

If bleeding is not controlled by medical management young female what is treatment of choice?

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in most scenarios responds to medical management which includes use of Tranaxaemic acid ( most effective), NSAID’S, combined OC pills or even levonorgestrel releasing IUD.

In cases resistant to medical management surgical techniques like endometrial ablation ( first and second generation) can be done based on patient profile and relevant symptomatology. Hysterectomy though remains the most effective treatment but not routinely preferred as it’s associated with a high degree of morbidity, unless all other treatment options have failed.

First generation endometrial ablation techniques involve the use of a hysteroscope which allows for direct visualisation of endometrial cavity and include :- hysteroscopic laser ablation, trans cervical endometrial resection and rollerball endometrial ablation.

Second generation techniques don’t involve the use of a hysteroscope so an endometrial biopsy is needed before the procedure. These include microwave endometrial ablation, endometrial laser intrauterine thermal therapy, thermal balloon endometrial ablation etc. all these techniques offer 93-94 percent efficacy rates but recurrence of DUB can be seen.

Out of all the surgical methods being offered today hysterectomy is the only one which offers 100 percent efficacy rate