Medicines that should never be used during pregnancy

Medicines that should never be used during pregnancy:

Vitamin A and its derivatives (Accutane) (isutane), acitretin (atretin), (atrtinate): create evolutionary barriers or even cause abortion.

Thalidomide (Thalidomide) Diethylstilbestrol (Diethylstilbestrol): In the female fetus, it causes cerix cancer during adolescence.

Warfarin Dunazol (Danazol): It causes disasters in the female genital system.

Simvastatin and other statins: Cholesterol is essential for fetus growth and cholesterol decreased by the use of statin finasteride: Finasteride is not typically prescribed for women. Pregnant women should refrain from even skin contact with this drug (e.g. cutting off medicine for other family members). Contact with medicine during pregnancy causes disadvantages in the male fetal system.

Testosterone of Pregnancy Prevention Medicines (Oral contraceptives): Causes fetal disorder.

Dutasteride (Dutasteride): In the male fetus, it causes the reproductive system to appear.


The known effects of some special medicines in pregnancy are listed below:

Chloramphenicol Tetraclyn Chloramphenicol: Causes Gray baby syndrome.

Isoniazid (Isoniazid): Causes neuropathy, seizures in the infant and liver injuries in the mother.

Sodium Valproate (Sodium Valproate): causes nervous system disruptions. ACE inhibitors: It causes delays in growth, fetal grieves and fetal death.

Lithium Technical Twin (Phenytoin): It creates multiple fetal diesel, including lip crack and com crack.

Anti-epilepsy medicines (Trimethadione, Valproic acid, Carbamazepine): Multiple fetal barriers of Androgens (Androgens): create multiple fetal barriers.

Medicines that affect fetal performance during the last three months of pregnancy by passing through the pair include:

Morphine (Morphine): Prescription of morphine during the libert causes asphixia in the fetus.

Anti-Thyroid medicines:

Sulfonamides (Sulfonamides): It increases the level of Billy Rubin in the baby and increases the probability of Cranicetros.