NOV 2018 Recall (Tried to compile the convo)

NOV 2018 Recall (Tried to compile the convo)

  1. Man travelled to Italy, bullae on trunk…acute bullous pemphigoid/ chicken pox
  2. 38weeks, and pain, blood, next inv…abd us/ ctg
  3. 77 year old with muscle weakness, difficulty vertical gaze, memory problems, right sided headache, facial numbness—progressive supranuclear palsy/ shy dragger/ myasthenia
  4. Pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, cough, 39c temp…strep pneumo/ mycoplasma
  5. ECG- Inferior MI/ pericarditis
  6. ECG- Hyperkalemia/ Hypercalcaemia
  7. ECG given which was flat line—route of adrenaline? IV/IM/ Intracardiac
  8. Pleural effusion, cancer…aspirate
  9. Pleural effusion, breathless, left lobe, protein 42g/dl—benign ovarian tumor/ heart failure/ bronchial carcinoma
  10. hyperkalemia—calcium resonin/ salbutamol/ repeat test
  11. Mirena, 6 week, intermittent bleed—reassure?
  12. TIA/Stroke, takes 75mg aspirin…continue same treatment/ add clopidogrel/ add dipyramidole bd
  13. Taking heparin since before operation…breathlessness…inc dose and do CTPA
  14. Hoarseness for 6months hilar enlargement—-lymph node biopsy/ Bronchoscopy
  15. What will inc chance of ectopic? IUCD/ COCP
  16. RA, takes aspirin…paracetamol/ naproxen
  17. Dysmenorrhea, heavy bleeding, cocp not helping, want to preserve fertility…Mirena
  18. Flucloxacillin, ALP inc…cholestatic jaundice
  19. Old man, acute eye pain, haloes a day before—glaucoma
  20. History of ant. Uveitis, rashes on shin…erythema nodosum
  21. 63 Woman recovering from fracture…Bisphosphonate/ HRT was also in options
  22. What will show further risk of fracture? DEXA scan
  23. Cancer spread to liver etc, inc corrected calcium, dec albumin—0.9% N/S/ albumin
  24. Another question of inc. potassium—calcium gluconate
  25. Dehydrated child, lost weight, dec. sodium, 0.9% saline option was not given…5% dextrose, 0.45 saline OR 10% glucose?
  26. Itchy eyes, crusting——antibiotics/ anaesthetic/ antiviral/ steroids
  27. Leptospirosis inv.—blood and urine culture
  28. sexually active man, intermittent pain in scrotum, now pain for 4hrs, swelling—emergency U/S/ Surgical referral
  29. Female, short stature, no breasts, genitalia normal—turners
  30. CAH—1/4
  31. NF-2- ½
  32. Duchenne- 1/4
  33. Lost IUCD thread, not found on U/S—X-ray abdomen?
  34. Nose bleed for 1 hr, apttt raised by one point—functional platelet disorder/ haemophilia
  35. 12hr, Post- Cholecystectomy patient collapsed, miosis, what will you do initially…Intubate/ naloxone
  36. Fixed dialated pupil, ptosis—3rd CN palsy
  37. 6th CN palsy- lateral gaze palsy ipsilateral
  38. 28ml lidocaine repeat question
  39. Confront your colleague/ inform senior for suspected alcohol abuse
  40. Audiometery after meningitis treatment
  41. Laryngeotracheobronchitis resolve normally if untreated
  42. 0.5ml of 1:1000 adrenaline for 25 year old man
  43. Jehovah witness, patient unconscious, family refusing, no written agreement—start transfusion
  44. Episodes of aural fullness, hearing loss etc.—Meniere’s disease
  45. 1*1cm mass lateral neck mass, young girl, painless cervical nodes—diagnostic will be lymph node biopsy
  46. Atrial fibrillation, old lady, no heart failure, hr was 80—bisprolol/ warfarin
  47. Mechanism of action of heparin—-inhibits conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
  48. Young man, breathless, playing—do X-ray to differentiate
  49. Child playing with toy, stridor—laryngoscopy is diagnostic
  50. Man on epidural, low bp, cold hands, warm legs, 30ml urine—fluid challenge
  51. Boy with edema, what will you expect in urine? Protein
  52. Protein uria, hypertension, no history of previous illness- Membranous nephropathy
  53. Reduced sensation in thigh, medial leg, foot— Obturator n.
  54. Medial side of hand, little finger—ulnar nerve
  55. Pregnant, 38weeks, hb 11.1—no intervention needed
  56. Gastrectomy, mcv raised—loss of intrinsic factor
  57. 4 penile ulcers, painful——HSV/ gonorrhea/ chlamydia
  58. Trichomonas Vaginalis- Metronidazole
  59. Not itchy, ph>4.5, foul smelling discharge—gardenerella vaginallis
  60. Herpes zoster old man—give ig to pregnant women who do not have antibodies
  61. Pain in back, calcium inc.—Multiple myeloma
  62. Intermitternt hematuria, Psa >15—prostate cancer
  63. Axillary lymph node biopsy—ascending lymphangitis/ lymphedema
  64. Axillary lymph node surgery, pitting edema—lymphedema
  65. 6 month old child, fissuring of eyes, skin peeling—Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome/ Impetigo
  66. Multiple sclerosis, diagnostic? MRI
  67. Young man came in with GCS 15 which suddenly became 8—Extradural hemorrhage
  68. Young girl, acidosis, sweating—check blood glucose
  69. Anorexic woman, fainted—check for compulsory admission
  70. Alzhiemers, wants to change will——check for mental capacity
  71. Depression not improving, SSRI stopped—Mirtazipine/ ECT
  72. Man with MI, depression—sertraline
  73. Old man, severe depression, doesn’t find meaning in life, thinks he is a burden—ECT
  74. Young man brought by sister, doesn’t want to live—compulsory admission
  75. History of SVT, neuropathic pain—gabapentin
  76. Wants to go the bathroom, but urinates before—detrusor instability
  77. Coughs, sneezes, urine leaks—pelvic floor exercises
  78. Surgery for endometriosis, urine flows—ureterovaginal fistula
  79. Old lady, recurrent UTIs, initial treatment—Vaginal oestrogen/ long term antibiotics
  80. Purple Urine bag, nitrites negative, protein positive—do nothing/ porphobilinogen?
  81. Placebo people drawing out of experiment—not sufficient info to draw out conclusions/ by chance
  82. Neutropenia—Broad spectrum IV antibiotics
  83. Travel to Africa, blood in urine—Malaria
  84. Spherocytes in blood, inc. retics. Low hb—direct anti globulin test
  85. Mid-diastolic murmur, atrial fibrillation, long term sequelae—cerebral embolism/ LV hypertrophy
  86. Cardiac tamponade features—Muffled heart sounds, raised JVP
  87. PFT improved after inhaler—asthma
  88. COPD, on maximum inhaled therapy, ph normal—oral steroids/ ltot
  89. Low sodium, raised potassium, pigmentation—Cortisol decreased
  90. FBS raised, no symptoms—do another FBS
  91. Post op- 12mmmol/L, Fasting 4mmol/l, post 2hr- 7.1mmol/L- Stress Hyperglycemia
  92. Normal, UCE- start metformin
  93. Mass incidentally found on appendectomy, tranmural lymphocytes, Crohn’s dx/ lymphoma
  94. GERD, dysphagia, diagnostic test—Oesophageogastroduodenoscopy
  95. Anterior resection of colon, mets to liver—portal vein
  96. Jaundice, Hemoptysis—transfuse FFPs
  97. Stiffness, inc. temp—metacloprmide
  98. Young woman, itching after, hot bath, in between finger webs and genitalia or something—sarcoptes scabie
  99. Old woman shouting in house—delirium
  100. Hospitalized man, seeing spiders—delirium tremens
  101. Woman collapsed infant of husband after headache—subarachnoid haemorrhage
  102. BP 180/?, nystagmus, unsteady gait—cerebellum
  103. Lung cancer, horners—sympathetic trunk
  104. Meta-tarsophalyngeal affected before, now knee- aspirate fluid for microscopy
  105. Gym session, Back pain, reduced sensation—MRI
  106. Prophylactic antibiotic—with induction of anaesthesia
  107. Woman, Urinary frequency and urgency, Haematuria on dipstick and protein too- Urine culture/ U/S KUB
  108. Pregnant woman, post op swollen calf or something—do U/S doppler
  109. Grandmother brings child, yellow brown spots over buttocks and back—NAI
  110. To prevent contrast induced renal damage—0.9%N.S
  111. Pre-eclampsia- 0.6g protein in urine/ 24hr+ Hypertension
  112. Paracetamol poisoning—Patient guilty—compulsory admission to psych ward/ discharge
  113. Milestones described, most worrying feature—speaking 2 meaningless words at 18months/ no eye contact
  114. Pregnanct woman, accident, skin dimpling at breast—Fat necrosis
  115. Man, headache since 2 days, neck stiffness, photophobia but no papilledema—meningitis/ encephalitis
  116. Rhesus negative mom- give anti-D within 72hrs
  117. Alternate mania and depression symptoms given—give lithium for long term rx.
  118. Auditory hallucinations coming from head—pseudo hallucinations
  119. Tremor, slow movements, what is he being treated for? Schizophrenia
  120. Person developing extrapyramidal symptoms, what to give in depot? Risp
  121. Swelling of ankle, absent distal pulses, immediate action—stablize with splint/ call vascular surgeon/ reduce
  122. Person wants to leave alcohol, what to give in decreasing amounts? Chlordiazepoxide
  123. Pain over maxillary area—sinusitis
  124. Fell from some floor, Hematuria after RTA- CT Scan abdomen
  125. Seizures after fight with brother- Reassure
  126. Most sensitive modality for stone- CT urography
  127. Mechanism of Addison’s—autoimmune
  128. A woman with irregular, heavy bleeding—COCP
  129. Patient with nystagmus etc.—give thiamine
  130. Twitching started from hand to arm—simple partial seizure/ myoclonic
  131. Infecting organism after TURP—E.coli/ strep faecalis?
  132. Post-menopausa bleeding—TVS
  133. Ate grandmom’s meds, dialated pupil, extrasystole- amitryptilline
  134. Old male, tiredness, fatigue, back pain, nocturia, dribbling, raised bp 160, urea cr inc, potassium raised, calcium 1.9, hb low, psa 4.5—CA prostate/ chronic gm/ bph/ myeloma
  135. 13year old child having sex with 23 yr old male…inform safeguarding authority
  136. Lidocaine given with adrenaline to prolong the duration of anaesthesia/ no effect
  137. Man passed out on road, pupils 2mm—give naloxone
  138. Hepatitis C, confirmed test—PCR
  139. Features of acoustic neuroma with CN palsy—MRI Internal acoustic meatus
  140. Depression—take ssri for atleast 6 months
  141. Old man, wanting to commit suicide after wife death—Refer for urgent psychiatric assessment
  142. Mother asking for cocp for daughter----come back with daughter
  143. Morning stiffness- OA/RA
  144. Duputryen’s contracture—palmar fascia
  145. TIA, no time given…aspirin
  146. Child with fever and vomiting, initial inv—MSU?
  147. Depression, enlarged prostate, low bp—TCA/ SSRI
  148. Bloody discharge—duct papilloma
  149. Firm, Mobile mass, history of previous lump, grandmom had cancer- fibroadenoma
  150. Hard mass, nodes involved- breast cancer
  151. Orbital cellulits—IV ceftriaxone
  152. Man taking 5% dextrose—cerebral edema
  153. Drug to prevent renal complications—ACEi
  154. Drug injured in chest drain—intercostal artery
  155. Patient in pain after op, shouted on doctors and nurses, then thanked them—adjustment disorder
  156. Immunocompromised—Fluconazole suspension
  157. Builder, mesothelioma—asbestos
  158. Old man, recurrent falls, pale during falls, taking antihypertensives?—bp/ ecg/ echo
  159. Route of morphine in MI—IV
  160. Child with foreign body—laryngoscopy
  161. Supraclavicular lymph node and dysphagia—gastric cancer
  162. Hoarseness—recurrent laryngeal nerve
  163. 6month old child had 5-6episodes of diarrhea, vomiting, electrolyte disturbance- IV fluid/ ORS
  164. Guy found unconscious around cans of beer—hypoglycemia
  165. 3rd degree hemorrhoid found incidentally—do nothing
  166. Varicose vein surgery—saphenous nerve
  167. Normal ear drum examination, rugby player—oral analgesia
  168. Anterolateral thigh anaesthesia, weak knee extensors—femoral nerve
  169. Patient tried to commit suicide—best predictor of another attempt—Previous attempt
  170. Male child, recurrent UTI—VUR
  171. Patient with bone pain, radio given…give zoledronate
  172. Bone pain, only pain killers were given—radiotherapy
  173. A patient on amiloride and metformin—hyperkalemia
  174. A infant with basal crepitations, abd distension, sob—cystic fibrosis/ bronchiolitis/ Heart failure/ pneumonia
  175. A patient who is hypertensive, cr 180, urea 18, add acei
  176. Safe method for baby sleeping—on back, near head end
  177. Baby, inc. breathlessness, poor appetite but weight gain of 300g…?
  178. Doxycycline… after food
  179. Pt with nystagmus and I think tremor, on antiepileptics. Cause? Drug/cerebellar degeneration
  180. Progressive memory impairment, doesn’t know time/ place—alzhiemers/ vascular/ fronto-temporal